Saturday, 5 August 2017

Dan Simmons - Endymion / Rise of Endymion - Rhadamanth Nemes and Shrike

radamanth nemes, endymion, dan simmons

Technocore cyborg Rhadamanth Nemes beginning to phase shift.

radamanth nemes, endymion, dan simmons

radamanth nemes, endymion, dan simmons

Rhadamanth is so essential to the story as a bogey woman, as the Shrike allegiance becomes ambiguous Rhadamanth becomes the character to fear.

radamanth nemes, endymion, dan simmons

radamanth nemes, endymion, dan simmons

Phase shift violence.

radamanth nemes, endymion, dan simmons

Nemes blasted from orbit.
